After over two years since our grant application submittal to the California Public Utilities Commission, we are about to receive approval by the Board. Letters of support from you, your organization or your company will actually help at this point. In fact a deluge of letters would be impressive; showing our urban Commission how much rural Nevada County truly needs much faster Internet speeds.
A letter mailed to each of the five Commissioners will make a huge impact. Note that Spiral’s project was submitted under the Bright Fiber Network LLC business name (for investment purposes). The name of the grant application project is Nevada County Connected.
You can download a Word document or a Text (.rtf) document with the sample letters and addresses.
DOWNLOAD Word document
DOWNLOAD Text RTF document
To save postage, you can mail all five letters in the same envelope addressed to:
CPUC Board Members
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco CA 94102-3214
Thank you for your support,
The Spiral team.